The Rebirth of My Life Starting from the Kitchen
Yumiko is fired with passion to help women around the world know how to prepare meals based on Tubu-Tubu Future Food. These meals follow the natural rhythms of our bodies and the natural world. This Future Food protects children from environmental pollution, can bring out the best of our selves, create a better life and a better world by embracing delicious and vitally nutritious meals. She recognizes this as a heavenly message and therefore, Tubu-Tubu was founded in 1982. She has been traveling across Japan spreading the knowledge and skills.
In November 2015 Yumiko was certified as a Japan Vegetarian Master by the Japanese Society for Vegetarian Research (an organization for academic studies registered by the Science Council of Japan).
She was certified second behind Dr. Michiru Kakimoto, the representative of the Japan Vegetarian Society, which has a twenty-year history.